Love from Tennessee

Darlings, I recorded a video for you yesterday but the wifi is not strong enough here for me to upload it. Hopefully in town next week I will get it to you. I am in a lovely nest of people surrounded by mountains. I’m always amazed at the families that take in and envelop others […]

rgbateman: Nope: A Safe Space Zine Trigger Warning: Assault, Rape, and Abuse are recurring themes in our arts communities.  The Portland Poetry Slam community came together in April 2014 to make this zine, defining, building, and protecting our safe spaces.  The original zine raised over $500 from supporters nation wide to pay for free distribution […]

Young men need to be socialized in such a way that rape is as unthinkable to them as cannibalism. Mary Pipher, Reviving Ophelia (via ohdreaming) Important addendum: to also know what rape is. Too many of them understand “rape is bad” but see it in a disconnected, “stranger jumping from bushes” sort of way instead […]

Trust This

When I was seventeen, I was on a cross country team for the first (and only, so far) time in my life. I am generally ambivalent about running when I am not being chased, but ended up finding my center in running the course that snaked through the Pennsylvania woods of my high school campus. […]

Baby Photos

My love – we are too afraid.I have a plan. Drive me to your mother’s houseand hand me the photo album“Ages 0-1.” Place the collection of youin my hands. Let me flip throughthe bouquet of momentsthat weave a living portrait – your purposeless motion;the tides of emotional huesalways rushing over your face;the simplest shapes,the bluntest […]


To the Mother Who Kept Her Headphones On While Her Daughter Played the Keyboard and Sang Me Songs She Made Up You are watching Netflix in the basementWhile Halley’s comet punctures the sky.You are more present somehowafter you get up and leave for the cafeteriaafter a few minutes, tossing a smile at me,grateful that your […]


Work She does not want music today. Her voice is the sound of a tire deflating so slowly, it is almost inaudible over the hum of the machine. The machines – they have surrounded her since her sophomore year of high school to what would be her sophomore year of college. I have not yet […]


Reasons She is Crying Pt 2 Words like gentle. Conversations about peoplethat are so busy tryingto feed their own needsthey cannot see anyone else’s;the moment he says,“it’s like the opposite of you.” A rose on the Valentine’s dayafter her breakup. Moments that flutter out of earshotlike a pause between words,ordinary and honest,the most beautiful combinationof […]


Winter in the New City She writes about a citythe way she wants to write about the boy.She writes “heart” so many timesits ache is implicitin her descriptions of the brutalityof East Coast winter,the skyline drawn crookedby a shaky hand. He moved a week after she got thereto the opposite coast.She writes exclamation points,questions marks,about […]