Featuring special guest Ted Winslow! <3
Author: annaspackman17@gmail.com
Feelings Friday 6
Feelings Friday 5
Feelings Friday 4
Feelings Friday 2
Feelings Friday 1
Write-Ups, Reviews, and Upcoming Shows!
So much thanks to That Mag for the lovely write-up and to the Equal Ground for the review! Equal Ground: http://www.theequalground.com/indie-music-album-reviews/anna-spackman-house-on-the-sea Looking forward to playing at the Make Music Philly Festival and Speak It! Sing It! – check out the Upcoming Shows page!
House on the Sea available for purchase!
It’s finally done! Click to get to the CD Baby sales page!
House on the Sea Coming Soon!
Anna’s third album, a double disc set of original work, will be released March 27th, 2015. Check back here to buy in a week!
Journal 3/11/15