I noticed it first onstage when there were all these beings that I wanted to reach, and I had to draw myself out of a deeper place so that they could truly hear me – I notice it now in hospital rooms looking into people’s eyes, and alone in my apartment not caring if the […]
Author: annaspackman17@gmail.com
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
Ok Internet, I’ll give you another chance.
Generally I am distrustful of the internet. It is an easy distraction, a numbing agent, an excuse not to go do living-people things. I have really wanted to be a living-people and so I have steered myself away from places on the internet where I might stake too much of my soul in something that […]
Upcoming Show!!
Saturday 8/18 Milwaukie Grind Grand Opening I will be playing for free with many other talented poets and musicians at this all-day event! There will be latte art, music and sunshine, and it will be even better if you are there. http://www.facebook.com/events/333137640106874/
“Being young is such a goddamn pain” (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
I have laid down my voice, my fingers’ renderings of sounds I made when you left. . I have done the takes over and over, hit the button, pause, delete, record. I finished last night, and found I could not stop replaying the unedited cut, that slice of loss and longing, the song that had […]
There is no one watching. Go ahead. Unbutton your top button, let your body take its own shape. Breathe a noisy waterfall into the still air. Take a finger, use it to pick your nose; breathe a little easier. Breathe. Follow that thought trickling backwards up into the forest of your hair, burrowing through to […]
To Darkness . Whenever I want to write What Makes People Feel Things, I look for you. Examine my skin for bruises (although I do everything I can to avoid collisions), pick at and study the black somethings packed underneath my nails (washing hands is for people who don’t write anything important), trace my pillowcase […]
When You Told Me I Am a Happy Person . Even though my tears were still clinging to your fleece shirt, I did not argue, any more than I would argue with the strands of blonde the morning has threaded into my hair. . My lips are bruised from trying to shape my darknesses into […]
For Sonny Rollins, who quit performing publicly and only played alone on the Williamsburg bridge for a year, sometimes up to 16 hours a day. . It was so easy for them, with their eyes closed, bobbing their heads like ducklings. I was the body beneath, undulating some kind of tempest that ruffled their fine […]