Sightless beauty

She was five years old with strawberry blonde bangs. I gave her a ukulele that she held face-up in her lap and strummed, steady as a heartbeat. I played gentle guitar chords underneath her sounds, listening for the song she was making, and she sang for twenty minutes straight. She sang no, no no no […]


The end of a long day I wasn’t sure I would get through. Taking the elevator upstairs, head leaning against the wall. A mother and her two kids got in, a small girl and a smaller boy. From the moment they got in and pushed the button, the boy said, “Wowwww.” “Wowwww” as we gently […]

Mission iPod

My job is so strange and wonderful. The other day, our boss called us and said a social worker was requesting an iPod for a preteen in the PICU at the other hospital. His iPod wasn’t holding a charge and he was going through a lot of pain, and the social worker was hoping to […]

lost-onesss: this is the scariest thing i’ve ever read Just another reminder, for me, that hell exists most powerfully in our heads. There are infinite people you could become. You are becoming this way for a reason. Love your quirky, irregular path and don’t let fear push you towards someone else’s.

To Rest

The video I’m about to post is dedicated to a young life we lost last week. He always said yes to music, even on the days where he couldn’t pick up a shaker, when the most he could give us was a tiny smile. He was 3 years old. I so loved singing to you, […]